Využívám dlouholetých zkušeností z oblasti vzdělávání, bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví, věnuji se vzdělávání v oblasti finanční gramotnosti.
Proč právě se mnou?
Katku mohu rozhodně doporučit. Domluva rychlá a bez žádných zádrhelů. Na čem jsme se domluvily platilo. Vše mi srozumitelně dokázala vysvětlit a poté poradit. Navíc velmi sympatické a příjemné vystupování. Velmi jsem ocenila schůzky on-line, které byly věcné, přesné a stručné a směřující k jasnému cíli.
S paní Kateřinou mám ty nejlepší zkušenosti. Mě jako člověkovi, který tomuto oboru vůbec nerozumí byla schopna vše vysvětlil tak, aby to pochopil i neznalý. Milý, časově flexibilní osobně-profesionální přístup dává jednání vysokou úroveň. Nyní díky Kateřině vím, že jsem velice dobře zajištěný v případě komplikací.
S Kateřinou spolupracujeme na řešení pojistných smluv již několik let. Vždy bylo z její strany vše naprosto perfektně vysvětleno, připraveno a dotaženo do zdárného konce. K tomu mohu připočíst skvělou flexibilitu a příjemné vystupování a jednání. Vskutku radost spolupracovat a mohu vřele doporučit!
Paní Bendovou (Katku :-) mohu jen doporučit. Komunikace s ní je skvělá a vždy se snaží pomoci. Navíc jíž dříve v recenzích zmíněný "lidský přístup" je bonus navíc - s Katkou se rád spojím kdykoliv, což u většiny finančních zprostředkovatelů rozhodně není pravidlem :-)
Paní Bendovou vřele doporučuji! Rychlost, profesionalita a flexibilita při řešení všeho, ať už osobně nebo online. Její odborné znalosti a přátelský přístup mi dodaly jistotu, že moje investice jsou v dobrých a zkušených rukou. Těším se na další spolupráci.
Referencí mám mnohem více, ale nebudu vás tu s nimi zatěžovat. Kdyby vás ale i přesto zajímaly, můžete si je přečíst pod odkazem níže.
Paní Bendovou jako finanční poradkyni mohu vřele doporučit! Našla jsem ji online a od první chvíle mě příjemně překvapila rychlost a profesionalita, s jakou jsme vše řešily. Vždy byla velmi vstřícná a flexibilní, ať už šlo o osobní schůzku nebo online konzultace, což mi velmi vyhovovalo. Její odborné znalosti a přátelský přístup mi dodaly jistotu, že moje investice jsou v těch správných rukou. Už se těším, až uvidím první výsledky a budeme moct konzultovat i další produkty :)
Kateřina je opravdový profesionál s lidským přístupem. Vše mi vždy dokáže vysvětlit, tak abych rozuměla, co se svými financemi dělám a co můžu od daných kroků očekávat a mohla se tak rozhodnout podle svých představ a cílů. Pro mě byla i zásadní možnost komunikace na dálku a řešení věcí flexibilně, s čímž mi vždy Kateřina vyjde vstříc. Jsem ráda, že po letech nejistoty mám vedle sebe někoho, na koho se můžu obrátit a spolehnout.
Katka was really helpful in tailoring the right investment for us. I really enjoyed her approach and commitment to clients. Also she explained very well each detail and more importantly, with patience and responsibility towards us. Highly recommend her for expats :)
Paní Kateřina je úžasná finanční poradkyně, se kterou jsem měli tu čest spolupracovat. Od prvního momentu bylo jasné, že je ve svém oboru skutečným odborníkem. Má hluboké znalosti finančních produktů a služeb a dokázala nám vše srozumitelně a trpělivě vysvětlit. Oceňujeme také její proaktivní přístup a snahu najít pro nás to nejlepší řešení. Moc děkujeme a těšíme se na pokračování naší spolupráce.
Katerina is a great financial consultant, very patient with many (sometimes repetitive) questions, always provides in-depth knowledge and high level of professionalism. I trust her with my money and I am glad to be her client, she is very pleasant person and always customer-oriented!
Katerina is Super professional always kind and responsive, and always able to find the perfect offer, Highly recommended.
I used Katerina's service recently, and the experience was very positive. She was recommended to me by a friend who also had very positive experience with her. She is extremely knowledgeable, and she was able to explain in one meeting concepts that I spent time researching myself for weeks. I have started investment myself before meeting Katerina. Even though this is not exactly her job, she agreed to meet with me and check what I have done so far. She was able to catch some mistakes I made. This is why I wholeheartedly advise to go to her directly if you are like me and have no prior knowledge, to avoid potential mistakes. It's not just that she helped me, but she also provided invaluable advice free of charge. This is definitely not something I expected and I was really blown away not just by her expertise but also generosity. Also, her English is great, so if you are foreigner in CZ she is the right person to work with. She was also very kind, and provided a space where I felt comfortable asking any question, no matter how stupid it might have been. She patiently explained everything I wanted to know. You can see she has great reviews over different platforms, and there is reason for that, I definitely recommend working with her.
Katku mohu rozhodně doporučit. Domluva rychlá a bez žádných zádrhelů. Na čem jsme se domluvily platilo. Vše mi srozumitelně dokázala vysvětlit a poté poradit. Navíc velmi sympatické a příjemné vystupování. Velmi jsem ocenila schůzky on-line, které byly věcné, přesné a stručné a směřující k jasnému cíli.
Katerina's ability to explain complex financial concepts in an easy-to-understand manner has been a game-changer for us. She patiently guided us through the world of investments, even though we had little prior knowledge. Thanks a lot for your help! :)
I met Katka on the Dear Ladies event where she had an amazing workshop about financial tips and investments. I was always conscious about my finances but never was brave enough to start investing. She helped me to overcome my own obstacles and investing is actually fun and easy thanks to her professionalism and patience. Highly recommended!
I can’t recommend Katarina highly enough! She has been incredibly patient, helpful and informative in assisting us and putting our finances in order. I only wish that we came to see her sooner. Thank you!
I leave this review in English, as that is my main language. Apart from a very high level of English (which is very valuable for foreigners like myself) , Kateřina professional, thorough and fair. I highly recommend working with her!
Meeting Kačka has changed my life. She doesn't try to sell you insurance or investments options. Instead, she adapts the meeting to what you need in this moment of your life. She gave me financial advices, helped me to organize my accounts, put me directly in contact with someone from the bank... and she is experienced, so she knows which insurance companies will deliver their services. Also, she is not limited to certain companies, which can happen with some advisors depending on the company they are linked to. She's also connected me to an amazing group of women who own a page on Instagram, I've met new amazing people. She is proactively helping me with information, even when it's not related to her products (like this group, or thrift shops, tips, etc). Thank you so much for helping me to organize my financial life, for helping me to make my dreams come true. Keep this human approach that you have! You will go far, and we'll keep talking about my insurances, investments and pension! :D
Katka has been my financial advisor since April of this year and has truly helped me to not only organize my current financial situation but also to help me learn about investing, life insurance, and pension insurance in a very clear and manageable way. I very much recommend her services to anyone looking to get their finances in order, especially those who think it all might be "too complicated..." Katka can help you sort it out :)
Helped me to get my finances in order. Patient, informative, knowledgeable in choosing the best options for my circumstances, taking on all the necessary tasks to make it stress-free. 100% recommended.
I had always assumed that getting a mortgage as a foreigner in the Czech Republic would be too difficult, but Kateřina helped us navigate the bank and government processes and made it all look easy. She always made time to answer any questions that we had, and working with her was an absolute joy.
Katka supported us with different aspects of our financial planning and saving. She has been available to give more details, knowledgeable and very professional. I would definitely recommend her services as she deal with a big range of possibilities that can fit anyone's need. Thank you!
Katerina, has an great knowledge about her professional field; She's empathetic, even if financial world could be some how difficult to understand she uses a simple and common language. She's always present and available. One point that I could realize that makes difference versus other professionals is that she will never pressure you to taka a quick decision, she gives you the time to think, solve all your questions, all the time answer every single inquire providing you the best possible advise. Thanks Katka
Kateřina’s services were recommended to me by a friend who was very happy with her. And now I understand why. Kateřina is not only very knowledgeable but also very empathetic and a great listener, which is a great combination when looking for financial advisory. We had a few meetings before we actually started to sign papers and start things rolling, which was fantastic because we could discuss ideas, strategies, goals and build a trustworthy relationship. I highly recommend to everyone to get financial advice, as sometimes we let slip good opportunities that sometimes are very obvious and we just don’t stop to think about it, but not only that, I highly recommend getting Kateřina’s financial advice, especially if you’re a foreigner in Czech Republic. :)
I met Katerina after watching her talk at the Dear Ladies Network. I loved her energy and the way she talks about "investments" makes it sound so simple. This is my first time investing so I was very scared, but Katerina was very attentive and explained everything well, giving me this trust to go ahead and take a few risks. I am very grateful for her support and I recommend it to anyone who is investing for the first time and want to understand the details of it in a simplified way.
Katerina is very knowledgeable and she did gave me the best options in terms of investments. She explained very well all in the information, presented possibilities that would indeed work for me. I am left with a sense of trust after meeting Katerina, I have no holdback in working with her. I definitely recommend her.
S Kateřinou jsem velice spokojený a můžu ji jen doporučit. Jasně a srozumitelně mi poradila s mými staršími investičními fondy a pomohla mi je nastavit tak, aby lépe fungovaly. Zároveň jsme spolu vybrali nové investice, přesně podle mojí představy.
I was looking for an alternative for my previous Financial Advisor. I was referred to connect with Katerina. From our first contact, she was amazing. Very professional, very prepared before our meetings, excellent listening skills and fair, honest with you. You can build trust very quickly with her. I strong recommend her. Kind regards, Robert
Skvělý a profesionální přístup. :)
Katerina was so wonderful to work with! She made the whole process very simple and straightforward. She even went out of her way to help us overcome a hurdle. I would definitely recommend her!
Katerina is amazing, she understand our need and advised us accordingly. She is a excellent English speaking Finance Advisor
Katerina has been patient, clear and personable throughout our meetings. Her knowledge and experience in the field shines through as she clearly explains appropriate options and products according to my needs. I'm assured to have her as my financial advisor!
Kateřina was great. She helped me with all I needed, always explained everything very clearly and made sure everything was according to my needs. I would recommend Kateřina to anyone.
Kateřina is very efficient, gives clear advice and speaks excellent English.
Kateřina has been very helpful in discussing my options for investments and insurance. She explains financial products in an understandable way and offers the pros and cons to each product. She is never pushy or pressuring and is always reliable. I would recommend her service to anyone who wants to take control of their financial future.
Excellent financial advisor for expats, highly recommended.
Kačka helped me arrange house insurance at short notice and found us a very competitive offer which she tailored to our requirements. Kačka is very responsive and helpful and speaks excellent English. I will be using her services again in the future.
I am very happy with Kacka's partnership to help me navigate investments, I am very new to it but she has been very kind and patient and has answered my multiple questions and has met with me to guide me and suggest the best way forward. She has also helped me with family finances planning and has gone above and beyond with my requests. I truly recommend her as she is a person I trust and who cares about people and their well being.
I recommend Katerina. Thankful to have her as my financial advisor. I feel that she cares and listens to me, while at the same time capable to adapt the offerings according to my requirements. She explains complex ideas in an easy and straight forward way. Does not shy away from doing her research and trying out new things. I hope she is as successful as she has made me :-)
As a complete beginner in the financial world, I couldn't have asked for a better financial advisor. Katerina has an open and friendly approach. She makes every complex element seem understandable and easily digestible. Her method has given me a clear structure on how to take me from an absolute novice in the current stage of my life, to the financial goals and desires I have for the future. It's made me excited about the upcoming chapters rather than feeling overwhelmed and confused about how I can achieve the various stages I want in life. She's also very flexible and professional. I highly recommend her services!
Excellent communication in English, friendly, professional and offers balanced advice. I would recommend working with her.
Katerina knows pretty well about finances, investments, and insurance. She is great and patient to show you the options that you have. She is organized and can clearly guide/suggest to you the best options for your specific situation.
For a long time, my family has been looking into information on how and where we can invest. We needed to learn how to choose the best provider, how not to lose money, and what strategy to use. The information was out there, but it was too much. Then, we decided to go with a financial advisor who would help us navigate the world of investments. After looking for all recommendations, and several meetings with consultants, we chose Katerina. Many expats recommended her. During the first short meeting, Katerina immediately understood our needs. She answered all our questions and explained complex topics in an easy-to-digest way. Katerina didn't push us. In contrast, she gave us time to make a decision, and she listened to us. That's very important to my family. We've been working with Katerina for over a month and are satisfied with her services.
Super service!
Kateřina is not only knowledgeable and up-to-date in the matters of law and finance, but she has also a broad network of personal relations in the banking and real estate fields. Moreover, she is very patient and goes through all the details with her clients, and accompanies them step by step. I will for sure use her services again in the future.
Kateřina helped me with insurance of my home. She is a fantastic and patient advisor who thoroughly describes all aspects of the contract. Everything was fixed quickly and with high quality. I am really grateful for the help I got and I am looking forward to further cooperation!
Kateřina is one of the most professional insurance consultant I have ever met. She would always listen carefully and find the best insurance solution to make you sleep well at night. I highly recommend to ask for her advisory service. Her English is fantastic, she is patience and would answer carefully to all your doubt and question, as well as advise you for the best solution according to your needs. Thank you Katerina for your professional help!
Katerina embodies professionalism in every sense of the word, but she also has the ability to explain things to you so that you can see where your money is going and what it will be used for. I think this is ideal and I'll return to her again. great work
S paní Katkou Bendovou řeším oblast pojištění osob, či majetku již několik let. Skvěle rozumí své práci, všechno trpělivě vysvětlí, je flexibilní a vždy je vše vyřešeno k mé spokojenosti. Nedávno jsem potřebovala sjednat nové pojištění a myšlenka koho oslovím byla jasná. Služby i spolupráci s paní Katkou VŘELE DOPORUČUJI.
I found Katka through all her great reviews from other satisfied clients and the experience contracting an insurance policy with her lived up to the recommendations. She is refreshingly professional and patient. The whole experience was pleasant and her knowledge extensive. Highly recommend!
Katerina is a true professional and will work with you step by step to get the insurance or investment you need. She also will be the there after the Insurance has been issued to help in case of any emergency. I contacted her on a Sunday when I needed help and she responded within minutes. Katerina is the best and you will be happy to have her as your agent.
You want professional advice and help step by step on your future investments, loans, insurance, Mrs. Kateřina is the best. Thank you very much!
Kateřina was incredibly helpful and friendly when giving advice about liability insurance. I felt supported in knowing what to do.
S paní Kateřinou mám ty nejlepší zkušenosti. Mě jako člověkovi, který tomuto oboru vůbec nerozumí byla schopna vše vysvětlil tak, aby to pochopil i neznalý. Milý, časově flexibilní osobně-profesionální přístup dává jednání vysokou úroveň. Nyní díky Kateřině vím, že jsem velice dobře zajištěný v případě komplikací. Velice rád doporučuji spolupráci s Katkou :-)
S paní Kateřinou Bendovou mám jen ty nejlepší zkušenosti při řešení pojistné události, naprostá spokojenost! Vše za nás vyřídila rychle a profesionálně. Je to člověk na svém místě. Oceňuji její lidský přístup, vstřícnost, přehled a velice příjemné jednání. VŘELE DOPORUČUJI.
Naprostá spokojenost. Pí. Bendová mi pomohla v otázce pojištění a taky investice. Dokáže informace podat ,,po lopatě "aby tomu klient opravdu porozuměl. Vřele doporučuji její služby
Mrs.Bendová is a true professional, she combines commitment and dedication to work with the human aspect, making herself useful and always available to find the best solution. I certainly recommend her collaboration!
S Kateřinou spolupracujeme na řešení pojistných smluv již několik let. Vždy bylo z její strany vše naprosto perfektně vysvětleno, připraveno a dotaženo do zdárného konce. K tomu mohu připočíst skvělou flexibilitu a příjemné vystupování / jednání. Vskutku radost spolupracovat a mohu vřele doporučit !
Katku Bendovou znam uz spoustu let a posledni rok jsme spolu zacaly spolupracovat na mych financich - sverila jsem se do jejich rukou, protoze jsem zjistila, jak zoufale sjednane jsem mela veskere sve dosavadni smlouvy. Katka mi s velmi nadstandadnim nasazenim a az neskutecnou peci navrhla nekolik reseni a vse dotahla k me naproste spokojenosti. A k tomu jeji flexibilita, vstricnost a mile jednani - mohu ji opravdu uprimne doporucit.
Paní Bendovou (Katku :-) mohu jen doporučit. Komunikace s ní je skvělá a vždy se snaží pomoci. Navíc jíž dříve v recenzích zmíněný "lidský přístup" je bonus navíc - s Katkou se rád spojím kdykoliv, což u většiny finančních zprostředkovatelů rozhodně není pravidlem :-)
Paní Bendová má skvělý přístup, individuální a velice rychlé jednání přizpůsobené situaci klienta, vše zařízeno "na dálku". Jsem nadmíru spokojena.
Těší mě, že je Katka součástí mého týmu profesionálních poradců. Líbí se mi na ní, jak dokáže přemýšlet nad řešením pro klienty, kterým vždycky dává na výběr několik možností a srozumitelně jim vysvětlí jejich užitky. Zároveň se neustále vzdělává a zdokonaluje nejen ve světě financí, ale i v osobní rozvoji. Pokud hledáte dlouhodobého parťáka, který vás dovede k vašim životním cílům, tak Katka je ta pravá.
S Katkou mám jen ty nejlepší zkušenosti, jak po stránce pracovní, tak i osobní. Jedná velmi profesionálně a naslouchá potřebám svých klientů. Je moc vstřícná, ochotná a férová. Vše uměla jednoduše a velice dobře vysvětlit. Je to prostě užasný a pozitivní člověk na pravém místě. Děkuji a těším se na další spolupráci.
Katka Bendová je profesionál s lidským přístupem. Když zařizuji pojištění, spoření nebo investice, musím vědět, že mohu danému člověku plně důvěřovat a zároveň, že věci perfektně rozumí. Přesně takové zkušenosti s Katkou mám, a proto se na ni vždy moc rád opět obrátím.
Very happy to work with Kateřina, the experience has been smooth and enjoyable, she explains every detail wonderfully and offers wide opportunities and different points of view, she’s an expert.
I'm working for few years with Katerina for my private and business activities, and I can say that she's really dedicated to her customers, reliable and also good advisor. I keep recommending her around me.
S Katkou Bendovou,jsme se poprvé spojili v době covidu.Měli jsme malé miminko a navsteva pobočky nebyla možná.Katka se okamžitě přizpůsobila a vše jsme úžasně vyřešili přes videohovor.Od té doby nikdy nebyl s ničím problém,vždy vše rychle a hlavně perfektně vyřídila,ať už to bylo úrazové pojištění i čerpání pojistky,tak i korespondence a různé papírování,po mé autonehodě.Jsme s Katkou prostě moc spokojeni a všude ji doporučujeme:)
Katka mi pomohla zrevidovat vsechny pojistky a sjednala nam zivotni pojisteni na miru dle nasich moznosti a potreb. Vse probehlo hladce a vzdy mi vysla vstric se schuzkami a pomohla nam zaridit vse potrebne. Jelikoz je manzel cizinec, ocenujeme take Katky jazykovou vybavenost a reseni nestandartnich situaci.
S pani Bendovou som sa stretla náhodou, keď som bola v neistej životnej situacií a nemohla som mať väčšie šťastie. Vypočula si, čím si prechádzam a navrhla mi možnosti, z ktorých mi každú jednu trpezlivo a zrozumiteľne vysvetlila. Takáto komunikacia prebiehala od začiatku a počas celej našej spolupráce. Pani Bendovú môžem len odporučiť.